Weekly Schedule & Events Calendar
Every Week
10:15 AM Worship Service with Holy Communion via Zoom
6 PM Social Ministry Meeting - Zoom (Third Monday of each month)
7:15 PM Council Meeting ― Zoom (Second Tuesday of each month)
10 AM Social Justice Meeting - Zoom (First Wednesday of each month)
1 PM Lunch Bunch - at a local restaurant (Second Wednesday of each month)
7 PM Social Hour - Zoom
10 AM Bible Study / Book Club via Zoom
3 PM Prayer and Stories with Bethesda on Zoom
Office is Closed
Pastor’s day off
10 AM Chinese 7th Day Adventist Worship Services — Please see their website for current service information
Social Events
Lunch Bunch
Love to eat? Love to talk? Join the Lunch Bunch 1 PM in a local restaurant!
The Lunch Bunch meets on the second Wednesday of every month to share faith, friendship, and a meal. Everyone is welcome!
Next meeting: February 8 at 1pm
Rose Garden
33348 Alvarado-Niles Rd, Union City
Please RSVP with Kris (kresl@comcast.net)
Social Hour
Join us on Zoom for a little happy hour every Wednesday at 7 PM! Bring your favorite beverage and get ready for a good time chatting and sipping along with CTK members.