Showing up for Racial Justice as Christians!
That's what we have been trying to do for the past years at CTK. And, we are excited to join other Christians from across Tri-City in this endeavor. Together, we are the Jesus and Justice Collective, striving to work for a just world for all. Why? Because God made all of humankind in God's image (Gen 1:26-27). That's why we are all wonderfully and beautifully made (Psalm 139:13-16).
Once a month we will meet to learn about racial injustices, be in guided conversations, pray and learn and grow together as God's hands and feet in this world.
Here’s your next chance:
Racial Trauma and its Effects
Sunday, January 15 at 2PM
We'll take a look at what race-based traumatic stress is, its effects on an individual's mental and physical health, and how we might respond as the family of Christ.
Upcoming Event Dates:
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Sunday, May 21, 2023
Racial Justice Activation Circle 2020
We finished our first Racial Justice Activation Circle. If you want to learn more about it or get involved, scroll down!
As Christians we believe that there is no peace without justice. We also believe that this is God’s wish for our world: That we one day will live in peace, that justice will be served, and that love will reign. Doing this work means that we uphold our affirmation of baptism where we promised to “strive for justice and peace in all the earth”.
“Love and faithfulness meet together; justice and peace kiss each other.” (Psalm 85:10)
The Circle ran for 8 weeks and consisted of 3 parts:
The Circle Way: Circles with up to 12 people will meet virtually once a week for 8 weeks via Zoom for 90 minutes. In these circles, participants will educate themselves and each other, reflect together and individually, and commit to concrete, anti-racist actions within their own spheres of influence. Participants must commit to attending at least 7 of the 8 sessions.
A 21-day challenge: We worked our way through a syllabus with articles, videos, podcast. The intention is to read, watch or listen to something about racism in its various forms for 21 days for about 30 minutes per day (binge education is fine, too). Since even God needed some rest on the 7th day, we spread the readings out over 5 weeks.
The last 3 weeks we learned about the amazing work being done by the Lutheran Office of Public Policy in California and we came up with action items on how to be intentionally anti-racist as individuals, congregations, and communities. Stay tuned. And join us!
We are thankful for Pastor Barbara Caine from Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church in Newark and Pastor Dan Senter from Our Saviors Lutheran Church in Lafayette for joining us in this important work.
Want to learn more about racism and how it affects all of our lives, every day?
Here is our syllabus with free texts, podcasts, and video clips to pick and choose from.
Interested in more conversations around the topic?
Check out these sermons and devotionals.
Want to get involved? Let us know!
Julia Jackson’s Way is God’s Way
Sermon: What does is mean to “carry your cross?”
She Persisted
Sermon: What did society have to teach Jesus?