Table Talk Newsletter

Pastor’s Letter

Grace and peace to you in the name off our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Recently I had a conversation with an activist friend of mine. She was sharing with me about building community and building relationships to get folks involved with some important and timely activities as our nation and world experience bigotry, hatred and racism. She asserted that she was trying to move people into community and into relationship. Though I agreed with her cause and many of her ideas, I struggled with her concept of “building community” and “building relationship.” I affirmed her cause, that it was admirable and needed, and her energy and enthusiasm exciting. But I questioned her notion that she was starting “a community” from scratch; I shared that the community was already in existence, relationships already in place. In addition, I shared that what she was trying to do is shape them, mold them, influence the spirit of the community.

When gracious God created you and me, we were created in community and in a relationship with one another. We were not created in isolation or separate from the greater creation. We are a part of the greater creation. What we do and how we act in the community and in our relationships are important, and helps shape the ethos in both community and relationship. Our individual and group actions matter. As an Easter people we are called to love God and love one another (including those we may consider enemies) to care for and serve one another and to witness to the good news of Jesus Christ.

We are all born in a different place and time. Consequently, the composition, the makeup and fabric of the community in which we are born varies greatly and the nature of the relationship we have with others varies greatly as well. But, nonetheless, we all are birthed into an existing community and into relationship. Not only are we birthed into community and relationships, we come into this world with varying gifts and talents and acquire skills and knowledge along our journey. Empowered by the Spirit, we are called to put our talents, abilities, skills to use in our communities and relationships as we are Christs hands and feet in the world today. As we share love and compassion shown to us in Jesus Christ, it helps shape and transform our community and relationships. What we do and how we do it matters.

Blessings to you as you continue your active journey. May your journey be one filled with joy as you grow in your understanding of God’s love for you and all of creation.

Salam, Shalom, Peace,
Pastor Raymond

Council President’s Corner

I’m looking forward to a year of serving the congregation and our community. I’m quite proud of how our small group is able to “punch well above its weight”. If anyone has any thoughts or concerns about our group, please don’t hesitate to share them with me.

Yours in Christ,
Cam Bauer