Table Talk Newsletter
Pastor’s Letter
A New Year Begins . . . a New Day Springs Forth
Several weeks ago I came across a poem by Nadine Star entitled, “If I had My Life to Live Over Again.” She was 85 years old and from Louisville, Kentucky. A few lines from the poem:
If I had my life to live over again,
I’d dare to make more mistakes next time. I’d relax, I’d limber up.
I’d be sillier than I have been this trip.
I would take fewer things seriously.
I would take more chances.
I would eat more ice cream and less beans. ...
If I had to live my life over,
I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall.
I would go to more dances,
I would ride more merry-go-rounds,
I would pick more daisies.
Nadine Star’s poem brought a smile to my face. Though I don’t know the heart of the poet, the way she expressed her situation caused me to chuckle and then to reflect on my own life. For me this poem was not a lament for things I hadn’t done, or things I had messed up, or regrets for things done or left undone. But rather, after I was done laughing at (with) her prose, the poem caused me to once again realize the past is gone, and I have only the present, only the here and now. Though we should learn from our past, the trip down memory lane should not be one of, “Oh I wish I had done such and such,” or to lament our current situation financially, physically, mentally, or spiritually.
As we consider our current situation, taking stock of who we are in the here and now, we have the opportunity to live into today with gratitude for that which we have been blessed. As Christians, we have the joy and privilege to show love and compassion to our neighbor, to live in creation caring for self and one another as God has shown love and compassion towards us. What is important are our actions and behaviors today.
As you consider and make plans for your days ahead, may they be with a thankful heart knowing of God’s love for you and all of creation.
Salam, Shalom, Peace,
Pastor Raymond
Council President’s Corner
Happy New Year Everyone!
2024 was a busy and eventful year for CTK and many of us. I won’t show a list since most of the details are found in our Congregational Report. I hope you have taken the time to review those accomplishments.
However, I think it is most important to note that our many successes have come from the efforts of all of us. Our congregation may be small, but our willingness to volunteer, to get involved, to offer support in many different ways is amazing.
It has been my honor to serve as your Council President this past year. Thank you all for your support and your commitment to this congregation. I look forward to serving and worshipping together with you in the coming year.
Yours in Christ,
Jim Sepeda