We are a group of your neighbors who come together to share a journey in faith, to celebrate life, to learn, and to sustain each other in times of need through faith in God.
We are here to love Christ Jesus, God's Son, who gave his life and rose again to bring new life to all people. We happily invite you to share in the good things that are ours in Jesus Christ.
We are here to love one another as God loves us. Our vision is to transform lives through God's love.
Who We Are
We meet to share our faith and our questions, we share our stories and we help each other in times of need.
All of this we do because Jesus did the same and told us: God loves you. Now you go ahead and love God, love your neighbor, love yourself. We try our best to do so. How? Through worship and music, through a vivid Social ministry, through studying the bible and through caring for our spiritual, emotional and physical health.
Ask our members what they love about Christ the King? “It’s the people!” We are a church family that cares about everyone, bakes cake, sends flowers, visits the home-bound and keeps each other in prayer.
Everyone is welcome to join our group of faithfully questioning followers of Jesus Christ. Sometimes, we find answers, often we have questions. How about you?
Journey in Faith
We come together to explore our beliefs and compare understandings in a safe space, where we deeply listen and try to judge less and less. We honor, and value life and work to build positive relationships.
When we meet in-person or virtually, our worship services, ministry meetings, study groups and our social gatherings remind us of the joy in life. Our trust in God and in each other helps us to live in hope and to greet most days with a smile and purpose.
When one of us feels down, we are there to carry each other.
At Christ the King blows a welcoming spirit that makes room for everyone seeking hope and joy.
We love Jesus Christ… but how does God love us?
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and showed us how God is. For God, it’s all about people. God truly loves everyone, includes everyone, hangs out with everyone and feeds the hungry. That’s what we try to do, too.
We embrace old and new friends, we intentionally include people of all abilities and we share our gifts generously with the community.
God’s love has changed our lives. We try to be gracefully forgiving with ourselves and each other. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.
God sees our struggles. God sees us as who we are. And God loves us unconditionally. We try to let this love shine into our world through our words and actions.
We are a family
At Christ the King we choose to be each other’s extended family. Family means having someone to love you unconditionally despite your shortcomings. Family is loving and supporting one another even when it is not easy to do so. Family is unrelenting, it’s secure and reliable.
At CTK we care for and support one another. We keep each other in our prayers. We meet for coffee, visit those who are housebound, call, text, email, FaceTime and Zoom. We follow each other on Facebook and Instagram. We work together and individually to help those in need. We hug, laugh, cry, eat and worship