CTK Staff
Pastor Ray Waespi
Dana Brambley
Office Administrator
Council Treasurer
I grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA, but have resided in Sunnyvale, CA with my husband, Brian, for the last 20 years. Our little family includes two cats: Caribou and Corduroy. I love and have a background in music and theater. I also love spending time in nature and am a bit of a book nerd, so when I read on the CTK website: “We like music, we like books, we care about our neighbors and we have a holistic approach to health,” I knew CTK was my kind of place! I am so excited to support such a beautiful community.
Maretha Davel
Music Director
I was raised in a church-going family, and my upbringing instilled in me a deep appreciation for all forms of music within the church, from majestic organ solos to heartfelt praise hymns. Throughout my life, I've found profound spiritual connection through music, and I am happy to be creating and sharing music and unique music experiences at CTK.
CTK Council
Jim Sepeda
Council President
I recently retired from CVS Health where I was a Strategic Account Executive negotiating and managing contracts with major health insurance companies. At Christ the King I am a member of the Praise Ensemble (guitar and vocals), and also on the Worship Committee, where I joined the team putting together our streaming services during the pandemic. I have also served as lector and assistant, and occasional lay preacher. I look forward to leading the Council and congregation as we return to in-person worship, grow our membership, and our service to the community.
Alan Claassen
Council VP
Jan Holbrook
Council Secretary
I grew up going to Christ the King, then moved away and returned in 2010. The church's vision, to transform lives through God's love, really speaks to me because it centers on God's gift of unconditional love to all of us. I appreciate that CTK tries to demonstrate that love for the community through service to others. I joined the Church Council to provide leadership for what we are currently doing and for what may be in our future.
Debbie Pollak
Financial Secretary
I have been a member of CTK for over 30 years and my daughter has been a member all her life. I have served on Altar Guild, Flower Ministry, and many other committees. When the pandemic reduced my work time, I had more time to give to our social ministry projects, Book Club, and tech support. I became the Financial Secretary and joined the council.
Kris Adams
After serving on the committee that extended the call to Pr. Tia, I decided to join the council so that I could continue to support her and the other council members in the transition to a new pastor. CTK is also facing the repair of our burned main building. Now with COVID-19 restrictions, we face many challenges and changes, But I’m happy to be a part of these changes.
Bunny Dubel
Social Justice
My motto for this time of my life is OLDER and BOLDER! Dave and I have been committed members since 1971. Christian Ed has been a passion for me, participating with Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Bible Study. A mostly stay-at-home parent of two, now mature children, I spent time working with geriatric and hospice folks giving nursing care. I enjoy birding, card games at the Newark Senior Center, cooking for Centerville Free Dining, and making my own greeting cards.
Chris O’Halloran
Council Member
I’ve been a member of Christ the King since 1994. I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area to get my Master’s degree in Library and Information Science and I work for a company that creates reference material for libraries and schools. I’ve been the church librarian for several years and I also volunteered to cook with our group that made meals for residents of Sunrise Village. I’m currently part of the Social Justice committee and I try to show people that followers of Christ share his love, not hate.
Terry Pearson
Scouts Liaison
My wife Linda and I have been members since 1973, raising two wonderful children at CTK. Over the years I have been active in Boy Scouts and at present, I am the Chartered Unit Representative for CTK sponsored Troops. I worked on CTK’s stewardship committee and served on CTK’s council, with one year as its president. I am also an usher and a greeter. I hope to help with the ongoing work of the council and CTK. My guiding thought is “What would Jesus do?”
Laurel King
Social Ministry
I came to this church in October 1987 and never wanted to leave. It has been my pleasure to serve on Council, and as Financial Secretary.
Bill Kemp
Property Liaison