Find your superpower

Dear spiritually filled Saints!

It’s the season of the Holy Spirit. Well, the Holy Trinity, but since we most often ignore the Holy Spirit in our teachings and prayers, it’s basically the season of the year when we are reminded that we worship a triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Or, as many of you learned, Holy Ghost. Which in any kid’s opinion sounds much more exciting and spooky.

And it’s true. The Holy Spirit is a most exciting force. Blowing our minds with her wits and her life-giving breath. Challenging us, teaching us, shoving us a little bit to move out of our comfort zone. And into the adventure of God’s ways.

During the past months, I felt the Spirit move very clearly in and around me, pushing me to do new things and to learn more. First, during our Synod Assembly (I preached on that, see link below!). Second, during the Lutheran Lobby Day in Sacramento via Zoom. Where we prayed with politicians, shared our stories and love for God’s people, and connected with other Christians across the state. And third, during a first meeting with other local churches on how to become a “Jesus and Justice Collective”. Because, if you say Jesus, you have to say Justice. And if you say Justice, you have to say Jesus. That is not my own wisdom, but what I learned from listening to “Wrestling with Race: Stories for American Anti-Racists from the South African Struggle”. During that meeting, one of the other attendees said: “You have to find your superpower. And then use it to work for what is right.” Amen to that.

May the Spirit unleash our superpower. Wishing you a Spirit-filled summer!

Pastor Tia!


Paradise is empty but the world is full of God


God’s Spirit works behind the scenes