Dear Stars

Dear Stars!

Just before Christmas we got to witness something quite spectacular. Jupiter and Saturn formed the “star of Bethlehem.” At least, that’s what many called it. As we leave the old year 2020 behind (hopefully) and look hopeful into a brighter future, I want to tell you an old legend.

When the wise men from the Orient left Bethlehem again, they looked once more back at the city from a hill. Then they witnessed a wonderful spectacle: The star that had led them to the manger shattered into thousands and thousands little stars that rose above all over the world.


But the wise men did not know what that meant. On their way they came to a crossroad. They asked a stranger for directions. He kindly gave them helpful information. And some bread and water for their travels. Then they saw a small shiny star above the stranger's head.

Hours later, one of the three wise men fell and injured his leg. A woman who lived nearby and happened to walk by, hurried back to her house, got ointment and bandages and treated the bleeding wound. Then they saw a small star shining above the woman's head.

The wise men continued their journey. When it got dark, they rested near a farm to get some sleep. Then it started to rain heavily. The farmer came outside and asked the wise men into his house, entertained them and gave them a dry place to sleep. And again, they saw a small star shining above the farmer's head.

And eventually the three wise men understood the spectacle they had witnessed from the hill above Bethlehem.

I have met all of these little stars in my life. Strangers have given me food in many parts of this world. When I fell off my bike on an icy day the owner of a little shop took me in, gave me band aids and a cup of coffee. And I even got invited to sleep in a warm house several times in Romania when traveling with friends. These stars are among us and I am sure you have encountered many yourself. And I am sure you have been a star to countless people.

May 2021 be a year of stars silently shining through the dark. May you light other people’s hearts and souls. And may you meet stars at every corner!

Blessings, Pastor Tia!


January 6, 2021 was an Epiphany


Between the years