Poked (and soon to be poked)

Dear “poked” and soon to be “poked” Saints,

In the past couple of weeks, I have been hearing the following conversation many times. A friend will share about how they got their vaccine. And the bystanders will enthusiastically shout out “Congratulations!”. There is so much joy around those announcements. So much relief. So much hope. And we congratulate people who got their shots. Even though all they had to do was being smart/ fast/ techy enough to get an appointment. And being brave enough for a needle to be poked into their arm or thigh.

It’s probably the most passive thing we can accomplish in our adult life and still have people congratulate us. It feels a little bit like being a toddler again when everything one did was reason for praise. “Ohhh, you ate your banana, awesome. Look at you, you didn’t spill your water, wonderful.” Now, I don’t want to diminish the great steps toddlers make. Of course, they deserve every praise on earth. Still, as we all know, as an adult, it’s rather hard to get praised anymore without working hard for it. Table manners usually aren’t enough anymore.

The vaccine has changed that. Now, it’s enough to show up and receive it. It’s very much like God’s grace. It just happens to us, one at a time. It’s free for everyone in this country. It’s life-changing, freeing. And it’s worth to be celebrated, to be named and claimed. Congratulations to all who have been vaccinated. Enjoy your new freedoms. Congratulations to all who will be vaccinated soon. It’s just a little longer. Easter is close.

Your joyful Pastor Tia!


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Appreciating essential workers beyond clapping