Socially distanced socializers

Dear socially distanced Saints!

How I dislike that phrase. Socially distanced. As an extreme extrovert, it’s my worst nightmare. I sometimes wonder how I even made it through the last 10 months. One of the answers is you all, obviously. The other is Zoom. I have to say, there are many things I doubt I would have ever learned about some of you if it wasn’t for Zoom. And for our legendary CTK Social Hour on Wednesday nights. (And if you are reading this and feel left out now because you have never been there… get on next Wednesday!")

What makes it so fun and joyful? The people, sure. The drinks without worrying about driving home, maybe. The atmosphere, well, it depends on where you sit in your home. Probably the comfortable ix of the above. The possibility to opt in, to quickly get a refill of finish dinner while listening to everyone. The chance to hop on and hop off without having to justify yourself. And not matter when you enter the “room”, people are chatting and laughing, sharing stories of hilarious and vulnerable and personal moments in their lives. And distance is no issue at all. It might even help to sit in a safe place at home. Knowing that if you need to cry or scream, there is a mute button right there for you. And a “turn the camera off” button, too.

Really, the only issue with Zoom is that you can’t hear anything if everybody is talking loudly at the same time. Which results in everybody shouting until a calm, male voice says: Sorry, I can’t understand you. (I won’t say names.”

“So I recommend the enjoyment of life, for there is nothing better on earth for a person to do except to eat, drink, and enjoy life. So, joy will accompany him in his toil during the days of his life which God gives him on earth.” (Ecclesiastes 8:15). By the way, if you need uplifting real-life hacks from the bible, Ecclesiastes is a great go to.

Stay safe, stay blessed, find joy and join us for Social Hour next Wednesday at 7pm.

Pastor Tia!


Carnival Around the Corner


Unclean spirits, get out of here!