Pastor’s Blog
Thoughts – Action – Prayers
I saw a post that had “thoughts and prayers” crossed out and “policy and change” instead. That resonated.
Do how I do – Safe Parking
Why should we rejoice in anybody leaving their beloved community?
When webs don’t hold, Jesus throws a net
If you fall, you fall into the net. When things are going badly, you are fortunate to have other people.
The anti-dote to unjust justice
It’s an uncertain time. It feels weirdly stable and unstable at the same time.
The man who lived. And the man who died.
Mary blames Jesus. And she acknowledges her deep faith into his power of life. To nourish life, to save life. That, she believes.
Reformation through memory
The truth will make you free. Free from making the same mistakes. Free from committing the same crimes. Free from feeling superior again over anybody. The truth will make you free. Nothing else can.
God’s Spirit works behind the scenes
She is the most powerful force on earth, totally untamed, yet often unnamed, unrecognized.
You are called to be friends
When I first went to college to study theology, it was the time of aphorisms everywhere. I had cards everywhere. On my desk, at my walls, glued to my door.
Appreciating essential workers beyond clapping
You just do what feels right in that moment. And then you go with the flow. And people remember it years later.
I had to become a woman to become a feminist
I even had to become a pastor to become a feminist. Before I started working, I honestly told people: No, I am not a feminist.
God’s Love is Not Only About You
When I first started seminary, I also met evangelical Christians for the first time. Well, not for the first time.
Can anything good come from Christians?
Others have long seen this. Non-Christians who wonder why the radical Christians are the loudest ones. Is this what the majority believes? Or does the actual majority keep silent?
Joy embodied
During our last vacation, we hiked a lot. Ask the kids. They got tired of it after about 10 days and refused to get out of the car just to see another big tree. They had walked enough.
Holy Troublemakers
Selfies would be a nightmare for Luther. Or Zoom meetings where you keep looking at yourself and how you look when looking at the camera.
What’s the Good News for front-line workers?
There he is again. Thomas, our Easterly friend.
What’s Lent like during a Pandemic?
If I had asked you last Sunday: What are you giving up for Lent? What would you have answered?