Pastor’s Blog

devotional Tia Pelz devotional Tia Pelz

Thankfulness pumpkins

“I am thankful for my family.” He added a little part: “and for dogs”. Which is where his heart really is. With dogs. “Even poodles”, as he generously exclaimed.

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devotional Tia Pelz devotional Tia Pelz

Regal eagles

Every evening neighbors gather to watch the couple come home and feed the young. A community of bird watchers, united by the majesty and inspiration of majestic birds.

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devotional Tia Pelz devotional Tia Pelz

A gift of reading

Summer in our house means plenty of time for reading. We head to the local library to sign up for the summer reading program. We discover great books and the kids boast about the minutes they spent reading.

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devotional Tia Pelz devotional Tia Pelz

Carnival Around the Corner

All I always wanted was a store-bought princess costume. All I ever got were hand-sewn, beautiful costumes for dressing like a tight-rope artist (no one recognized that, and I had to tell everyone twice!)

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devotional Tia Pelz devotional Tia Pelz

Between the years

These are the days I hardly have any memories of. It’s the time of the year when trying to reach anybody is hard. No one knows or cares what time it is, or what day.

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devotional Tia Pelz devotional Tia Pelz


I didn't care about Mary for many years. She was the epitome of an inflated ideal of a mother. The always-smiling-never-in-a-bad-mood-never-complaining-mom. What could she possibly mean to me?

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devotional Tia Pelz devotional Tia Pelz

An Advent Wagon Wheel

As he did every morning, he celebrated devotion with the children. But one morning, in December of 1839, it was different. He took a large wooden wagon wheel and placed it in the middle.

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devotional Tia Pelz devotional Tia Pelz

A Foretaste of Thanksgiving

“Where is your brother?”, I asked, not trying to think of all the bad in the world. “He is still talking to that lady a few houses to the left, the one that gave us candy the other day.” Hansel and Gretel have had a great influence on my thinking, I have to admit.

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devotional Tia Pelz devotional Tia Pelz

God and my shopping cart

I have never enjoyed grocery shopping much. But there were definitely times when I liked it more than these days. Like when the kids were really little and going grocery shopping was my only legitimate “me-time”. Those were the days.

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devotional Tia Pelz devotional Tia Pelz

Berkeley Bike Blues

I walked out to the garage to see it with my own eyes. Sometimes, that’s the only way to believe something, even though I am a pastor and believing things I often can’t see should be my specialty.

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devotional Tia Pelz devotional Tia Pelz


I never used to be a “tree person” before. I don’t get excited over vegetation as much as meeting new people. But redwoods are special, they really are.

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